Elder Alex Evans has been called to the Brazil Rio de Janeiro Mission. He reports on July 10th, 2013, and will serve for a period of two years.

Friday, August 29, 2014

August 11, 2014 Cape Cold

August 11, 2014
Cape Cold (Cabo Frio)

Dear Family and Friends,

Big changes again in the mission this week! We had a zone meeting and several things were changed up for us, and I'm excited about the changes that were made in our key-indicators and our work here.
First off, NO MORE REQUIRED 210 STREET CONTACTS PER WEEK!! It's not that we won't be doing more street contacts here in Rio, but we won't have a quota of how many to do. Because finally President realized that when you order and make such a big deal about having to do 30 contacts a day, we as missionaries end up stressed out and we do contacts with the intent of being able to say that we did 30 contacts and not the real purpose which is to teach a lesson to every single one of our contacts if possible.
We are focusing hard on teaching more and marking more baptismal dates. To get the picture we now have a standard of excellence of 15 lessons with member present, 15 other lessons, and 20 new investigators per week. Every companionship has to baptize. Something different that I am going to be doing this week is inviting everyone that I talk to to be baptized on the 30th of August which is the soonest that someone can go to church twice and be baptized. It'll for sure be something cool and we'll see if we get some success out of it. 

We had another tough week this week. It seemed as if we were stuck in a rut. We got a little disappointed that things weren't working out for us, but we talked and figured out that we need to rely a lot more on the Lord to help us know what to do during our days. We are feeling the Spirit more and having more help too. As we continue to be obedient and work hard, the blessings and baptisms will come in the Lord's time. 


This week we are going to work in a cool part of our area. Arrail do Cabo. Look it up!


Thanks for all the emails and prayers, love you all,


Elder Evans
This is my town!

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